Answer: An authorized user is when a person, usually someone who you know very well, adds you to their credit card account, authorizing you to use that account for purchases. The person is usually a family member who trusts you and wants to help you establish credit. Not every bank permits this so be sure to check. Also be sure that if they do cooperate that they also report the payments to the credit bureaus.
Once you are added as an authorized user, you will get your own credit card in the mail from the bank. Be sure not to lose and it to only use it responsibly, as you would not want to ruin your family or friends credit rating! Be sure that all payments are made on time and don’t charge too much on the account.
Keep in mind that not every bank permits authorized users because many people abuse the privilege and attempt to build credit fast when trying to get a home loan or other types of loans. They often pay a large fee to be on the credit card line temporarily. Some banks frown upon this.